Jews-for-Jews “Blue Card” charity gives social justice award to Elie Wiesel
Sunday, January 10th, 2016

Elie Wiesel, 87, looks very dark-skinned for January (like an Indian really – could it be makeup meant to make him look healthier?) and also small standing between Kati Marton (left), who helped present the award, and Rita Cosby, whose role at the event was not mentioned
By Carolyn Yeager
Fake Auschwitz survivor Elie Wiesel is never too busy or too ill to show up for another award handed out by his Jewish friends. The 87-year old Wiesel appeared in person to receive the Richard C. Holbrooke Award for Social Justice, given to him by The Blue Card at their 81st Annual Gala at The New York Public Library on January 8th. The presenter was actor Michael Douglas, son of 50’s star Kirk Douglas who let it be known at the end of his career that he was Jewish. The elder Douglas’ birth name was Issur Denielovitch, the son of Jewish immigrants from Russia.
The Blue Card describes itself as the only national non-profit organization solely dedicated to providing financial assistance to destitute Holocaust survivors residing in the United States. [My goodness, can there be a destitute survivor in the U.S.? I find that hard to imagine since there are 6 million Jews and very few survivors left.]
More on Blue Card
All the information about The Blue Card on Wikipedia comes from The Blue Card itself. It tells us that it was established in 1934 in Germany to help those “fleeing” Nazi persecution and was reestablished in the United States in 1939. [Its true that in 1939 New York City became the world headquarters for International Jewry.]
This particular event raised $750,000, they say — the most in its history. I don’t know where the money went, but they have a number of programs to receive it: an Emergency Cash Assistance program, a dental program, a stipend program (monthly checks), a Jewish Holiday program, a summer vacation program, an emergency response program, the Mazel Tov Birthday program, a Vitamins program, the Bring a Smile program, a Cancer Fighting program, a Hospital Visitation program and a Nutritional Guidance program. All for Jews. Yes, they say it’s for “holocaust survivors,” which theoretically includes non-Jews, but you shouldn’t believe that many are really included.
If European people came up with such a scheme to raise funds for poor Whites, (as Third Reich Germany once raised money for poverty-stricken rural Germans) they would be viciously attacked as racist by the very people running this charity organization. I think we should try it, though.
Only covered by Jewish media
This event was only covered by Jewish media because it is only about Jews. Basically everyone there was Jewish. Let’s start with the Blue Card’s president Gia Machlin and Executive Director Masha Pearl, who gave welcoming remarks. Machlin is also President & CEO of EcoPlum Inc., a green shopping rewards site and eco-information destination for eco-friendly living. Pearl is a young woman who plays a role very similar to Karen Pollock’s at the Holocaust Education Trust (HET) in Britain. The event also honored Sara Wolfensohn and Rachel Rosenberg.
Matt Nosanchuk, who has been prominent in advancing the Obama administration’s gay rights policies and is now White House Liaison to the Jewish Community, presented a recorded message from philo-semitic Vice President Joe Biden to Elie Wiesel, commending him for his holocaust education efforts. Biden said, “From you, Elie, I learned that we have to educate every successive generation exactly about what happened, and we can never, never forget.” So heartwarming.
Richard Holbrooke
You may be wondering who he is and why the award was named after him?
Richard Holbrooke was born in 1941 in New York City to two atheist Jews. His mother’s family is said to have left Hamburg, Germany in 1933, going to Buenos Aires and from there to New York. His father was Polish, whose original name was Goldbrajch. Holbrooke is admired by Jews because he gained key positions in the U.S government, beginning with the Democrat Carter administration in 1977, then in both Bill Clinton administrations, finally the Obama administration until his death in Dec. 2010.
Kati Marton was married to Richard Holbrooke from 1995 till his death, thus she was co-presenter of the award. She is also Jewish, born in 1949 in Hungary, the daughter of two mainstream reporters. She says her parents never spoke about “the holocaust” (nothing to say, I guess). After the war they spent nearly two years in a Hungarian prison charged with spying for the U.S. Kati and her older sister were raised Roman Catholic, but she says she learned much later, by accident, that her grandparents were Jews who were murdered at the Auschwitz concentration camp. (Oh yes, isn’t it strange how they all say that. Every Jewish relative no one knows any details about was murdered in Auschwitz.)
Rita Cosby, successful, hard-driving TV journalist, wrote a book detailing a story (perhaps mostly fiction) about her Polish father’s youthful adventures as a resistance fighter in Warsaw during WW2. His real name was Ryszard Kossobudzki, changed to Richard Cosby in the U.S.
What does it tell us?
In his acceptance speech, Wiesel talked about poverty since this particular group raises money for just that (though I don’t think those they help are at all destitute, a word they use). He also said, “I belong to a generation that has seen probably the darkest of its moments and lived them …but also the happiest. The Day of Liberation…when suddenly, the Americans came in! Days earlier, 10,000 left Buchenwald and were the last to leave literally the last…. we were supposed to leave the next day.” (This from the man who falsely claimed to be in a famous liberation photo from Buchenwald to help him win a Nobel Prize, but wrote in Night he was in a hospital unconscious at the same time. Poor Elie can’t keep his fantasies straight.)
So what does this tell us or why should we care about it. It tells us that the Jewish holocaust narrative, allowed to be institutionalized as real history because of long-standing anti-Germanism in Europe and America (actually fear of German competition), is a major money-making business that all Jews participate in and/or benefit from. They know how it benefits them and so they can come together and agree on monstrous lies, and celebrate monstrous liars. They are able to by-pass the facts by seeing themselves and their race as both eternal victims and God’s chosen; thus whatever they do to defend and protect themselves is okay. They are always okay.
In Germany just now, children’s events are being cut back or cancelled because there is no money for them. The needs of the migrants come first. The migrants are driven into Europe by Jewish power, don’t kid yourself, to destroy any possibility of nationalist governments by destroying the common racial genetics that make a people. Jews hate nationalism, especially in Europe and America because it can exclude them. But for Israel, they agree it is necessary!
The Aryan people are intelligent, capable, inventive, original and idealistic, but we don’t know how to stand up to the Devil. Jews, not being a truly religious people but a self-worshiping people, know the Devil is an idea who is only active in their lives if they believe he is. Both God and the Devil need us to make them real. That’s one thing we can learn from the Jews.
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