Where is Elie's Tattoo?

Elie Wiesel has told us for over 50 years that he was tattooed at Auschwitz in 1944, and that his tattoo number is A7713. He has repeatedly said that he still has this original tattoo on his arm. Just last March in Dayton, Ohio, Elie met with the press, high school and college students, and 2300 members of the local community. As reported in the Dayton Daily News , one student asked Wiesel if he still has his concentration camp number and if it serves as a reminder of those terrible experiences. "I don’t need that to remember, I think about my past every day," he responded. "But I still have it on my arm – A7713. At that time, we were numbers. No names, no identity." [Read More]
You will find 143 posts in the category Featured on this blog.
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1 (1)
A (9)
- A Second ‘Naked Man in Buchenwald Barracks’ Forgery
- A septuagenarian’s “Holocaust” memories are dangerous to youth and wrong as history
- Another childish comment from an outraged Wiesel defender
- Another photo of young Elie Wiesel that is not Elie Wiesel
- Another surlievor memoir—more Dr. Mengele, smoking chimneys and senseless murder from Yehuda Bacon
- Any friend of Israel is a friend of Elie Wiesel
- AP reporter doesn’t reply to questions about seeing tattoo on Elie Wiesel’s arm
- AP stonewalling legitimate questions about reporter seeing Elie Wiesel’s tattoo
- Awards people give themselves
B (4)
- Book suggestions to take the place of “Night” in the classroom
- Break the Spell! Magic and Trickery are what the “Holocaust” is made of
- Buchenwald Memorial Archivist Cannot ID Elie Wiesel as an Inmate
- Busted: Joshua Kaufman’s claimed Auschwitz number belongs to someone else
C (3)
- Computer program judges “Elie Wiesel in Buchenwald” to be 30-36 years of age
- Cover of survivor’s book features Buchenwald Lie-beration photo without standing man.
- “Child survivor” Paul Argiewicz and the missing five years
D (2)
E (34)
- Elie Wiesel adds a new twist to his Buchenwald liberation tale
- “Elie Wiesel Cons the World” makes our final call on Elie’s tattoo
- “Elie Wiesel Was Not in Buchenwald” Made Simple
- Elie a no-show at Auschwitz event, but delivers an interview saying Jews can’t be Jews without Israel
- Elie admits he doesn’t have the tattoo A7713
- Elie admits his true stories never happened
- Elie Wiesel and Chapman University need help with “knowledge and ethics” surrounding the holocaust
- Elie Wiesel and Survivor Guilt
- Elie Wiesel and the Mossad
- Elie Wiesel and the Mossad, Part II
- Elie Wiesel and the Mossad, Part III
- Elie Wiesel and the Mossad, Part IV
- Elie Wiesel Can’t Stop Revealing his Jewish Supremacy
- Elie Wiesel Condemns Günter Grass for “going too far”
- Elie Wiesel flops at Kent State Convocation Center
- Elie Wiesel in a fit of pique over honor for Hungarian writer
- Elie Wiesel Institute Wrong on Romanian Grave Claims
- Elie Wiesel is dead
- Elie Wiesel Knows Soviet “Liberators” Destroyed the Birkenau Crematoriums
- Elie Wiesel leads the Democrats’ cry for universal gun control
- Elie Wiesel misses “visit to Chapman” this year
- Elie Wiesel on The Jewish Mafia
- Elie Wiesel private funeral took place Sunday morning
- Elie Wiesel sponsors petition that assaults Greek and European democratic independence
- Elie Wiesel to speak at Ohio Kent State University in April
- Elie Wiesel was unknown to Mel Mermelstein in the Buchenwald Camp
- Elie Wiesel’s family-approved obituary calls “Night” a novel
- Elie Wiesel’s One Week Annual Visit to Chapman University Kept Private
- Elie Wiesel’s sex abuse comes back to haunt his legacy
- Elie Wiesel’s “Night” makes Western man irrational, gasses all logic
- Elie Wiesel, like Caroline Glick, is disappointed the “Holocaust” has not eradicated antisemitism
- Elie’s Adventures in Buchenland
- Ethics Essay Deadline Draws Near
- “Elie Wiesel died before he confessed his lies about the Holocaust,” says French website
F (3)
- False report that Elie Wiesel showed reporter “his tattoo?”
- Further evidence that Joshua Kaufman is lying about being Auschwitz prisoner 109023
- ‘Freudian Slip’ identifies Elie Wiesel as a “Holocaust Winner”
G (5)
- Gigantic Fraud Carried Out for Wiesel Nobel Prize
- Grüner False Identity Lawsuit Against Elie Wiesel Set For January 24 in Budapest
- Grüner Lawsuit Against Rabbi Rejected by Budapest Court
- Guest editorial: Elie Wiesel wins new literary honors
- Guest Editorial: The Passing of a Legend
H (5)
- History teacher who outed holocaust fraudster Joseph Hirt calls for apology or criminal prosecution
- Holocaust Industry continues to prepare for the death and sainthood of Elie Wiesel
- How Elie Wiesel Got the Nobel Peace Prize
- How true to life is Wiesel’s description of Buchenwald in Night?
- How Wiesel’s “tattoo” looks from where I’m sitting
I (7)
- “If you look closely you can see a sixteen-year-old boy …”
- I want to see Joshua Kaufman’s Auschwitz tattoo – 109023
- Is Elie Wiesel a perjurer?
- Is Elie Wiesel “the world’s most famous hypocrite”
- Is it time to call Ken Waltzer a fraud?
- Is Ken Waltzer on the outs; or is he in hiding?
- Israel Shamir says “Wiesel was there.”
J (4)
- Jews and their lies
- Jews-for-Jews “Blue Card” charity gives social justice award to Elie Wiesel
- Joseph Hirt’s Letter of Apology tells more lies to “explain” his previous ones, Part 1
- Joseph Hirt’s letter of apology tells more lies to “explain” his previous ones, Part 2
K (4)
- Ken Waltzer inadvertantly supplies proof that Elie Wiesel was not at Buchenwald
- Ken Waltzer Replies to My Question
- Kentucky man offers $1000 reward in “Elie Wiesel Tattoo Challenge” at Wiesel’s Xavier University May 6 Speech
- Komisarjevsky Jury Didn’t Take Elie Wiesel’s Advice
L (4)
- Letters of the Week
- Letter from a fighting father
- Letter of the Week
- Little New in Wiesel’s Speech at Xavier; Robert Ransdell Gets Attention
M (6)
- Martin Gray: Another Polish Jew surlievor* who wanted his people to be seen as heroic
- Max Hamburger Says He Is the ‘Zombie Man’ in the Lower Bunk
- Message to Readers
- More Letters of the Week
- More Reasons Why I Don’t Believe
- My work on “Night” is featured in a talk given by Jewish Professor Alan Astro at St. Francis College in 2014
N (9)
- Naftali Fürst claims to be in the Famous Buchenwald Photo as a 12-year-old boy
- New “Elie Wiesel Cons The World” video
- New (old) pictures come to light in wake of Elie Wiesel’s death
- New Evidence on Elie Wiesel at Buchenwald
- New Information – Shlomo Wiesel dies in labor camp in 1943?
- New Photo of Elie Wiesel in France?
- Night #1 and Night #2—What Changes were Made and Why, Part One
- Night #1 and Night #2—What Changes were Made and Why, Part Two
- Nikolaus Grüner shows his tattoo. Where’s Elie’s?
O (3)
- Obama, Israel’s houseboy, names Elie Wiesel to U.S. Holocaust Council
- On Mirrors and Memories
- One fact proves more than any other that “Night” is a work of fiction
Q (2)
R (4)
- Relative of Shlomo Wiesel says he died in 1943, not at Buchenwald
- Religion Department reveals interesting insight into Boston University
- Romania caves to Elie Wiesel Institute—authorizes holohoax propaganda center
- Romanian grave: “We can’t confirm that they are Jews.”
S (6)
- Scholar Warren Routledge on “The Heretics’ Hour” affirms Wiesel was never in Auschwitz or Buchenwald
- Sen. Ted Cruz lauds Elie Wiesel as a moral giant in AIPAC speech
- Show us a tattoo, darn it!
- Signatures prove Lázár Wiesel is not Elie Wiesel
- Still No Reply from AP or Their Reporter; Did Elie Show his Tattoo to Tom Hanks ?
- Survivor stories are a genre that prove the “Holocaust” is a Jewish hoax
T (12)
- Tattoo criminals – Elie Wiesel should be investigated for holocaust fraud
- Ten Questions for “Elie Wiesel Believers”
- The Book of the Decade is now available
- The enemy in our midst: Elie Wiesel’s USHMM celebrates 20 years
- The Many Faces of Elie Wiesel
- The Max Hamburger Story – Some Reasons Not To Believe It
- The Shadowy Origins of “Night” III
- The Shadowy Origins of “Night”
- The Shadowy Origins of “Night” II
- The Truth about ‘Night’: Why it’s not Elie Wiesel’s Story
- The Wiesel tattoo issue remains “most sensitive” for readers
- Three must-read articles to give you the expertise you need on Elie Wiesel’s Big Con
U (1)
W (14)
- Was Lazar Wiesel a relative of Elie Wiesel?
- We Appeal to Students at Boston University
- Welcome
- What happened to Waltzer’s book about the ‘boys of Buchenwald?’
- When did Elie Wiesel arrive at Auschwitz? Could he have received the number A-7713?
- Where was tattoo-less Elie Wiesel in 1944 if not at Auschwitz?
- Why Doesn’t Elie Wiesel Sue Me for Libel?
- Wiesel and Winfrey make an Auschwitz soap opera together
- Wiesel archivist finds another version of “Night” – now there are six!
- Wiesel Contradicts Himself to Chapman Students
- Wiesel goes full-Jew in full-page advert attacking Iran as wanting to exterminate Israel
- Wiesel Institute in Romania says it found mass grave of Jews
- Wiesel to begin fellowship at Chapman University; retain position at BU
- Would Elie Wiesel have joined Saul Friedlander in threatening to “quit the U.S.” if Donald Trump is elected in November?
Y (1)
You will find 5 posts in the category News on this blog.
N (1)
O (1)
T (1)
W (2)
- Website under development
- Wiesel to accept first World Jewish Congress “Guardian of Jerusalem” award
You will find no post in the category Uncategorized on this blog.